The writer behind this blog....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Way of Working out :)


        The reason I haven't written in awhile is because my PCOS caused me to have a really painful period. See, while I was in NY I started spotting on my own which never happens without taking a pill each month (Provera) and so I thought I was having my own period and therefore could finally get pregnant, but I was wrong. I gave my body until October and finally I felt bloated and just kept spotting so I gave in and took the Provera :( This was really depressing because it was like I was admitting once again that I wasn't going to get pregnant. Since I didn't take my Provera for 2.5 months my period was HORRIBLE!! I was going through overnight pads every 1/2 hour and so exercise was the last thing on my mind. Finally, my period ended and I weighed myself after I lost all that fluid and I'm down to 223 :) I weighed myself on Wed.  in the morning before I ate anything. I'm glad that I'm down to this weight and now I don't feel so bloated. The other day my husband and I bought a Nintendo Wii and with it we got the Jillian Michael's game and Wii Sports with Mario. I've been doing Jillian Michael's faithfully and I know it's a video game but she kicks your butt!! It's really hard, but at the same time it's easier to work out with a virtual jillian lol. I feel like I can stick with her and I have been sticking with her the last 2 days. I have yet to see if I've lost weight, but we will find out next Wed. I'm nervous to see if I lose any weight. Just gotta keep the goal in mind of having a baby! Oh, I've cut back on eating out to. I've slipped up, but I can't let it get me down or I'll never keep going. Thanks for the support everyone :)


  1. I love Jillian..she is my idol! Stick with her and you will surely see results. You should keep track of your calories as well. I keep a daily log of food and exercise. This also helps when get discouraged; I look back at those pages to see my progress and how much work I've put in so far. It works for me! Keep it up Alicia! But remember, it takes time and patience.

  2. Thank you so much and I will def start using a daily log. That's a really good idea!!! Thanks for encouragement.

  3. alicia i'm so proud of you!! I know you will get what you want...if annie can loose 40 pounds then get pregnant almost immediately with having PCOS then i know you will too!! and WHEN you do HAVE your first child i want pics lol good luck hun!!


  4. Thanks Sarah!! When I found out that your sister had PCOS and got pregnant that really provided hope for me. Thanks for the kind words.

  5. Good job Alicia! I'm very proud of you for being so determined! And it doesn't matter if it's a video game... you're getting a workout and that's what matters! It's good to make it fun. If you don't have fun then it's harder to stick with it. I'm sorry you had all that trouble with your health. I'll be praying for you that you feel better.

  6. Oh my, sounds like her workout is pretty great. Thinking about getting WiiFit myself but *shrugs*
    Anywho, keep up the great work!! Hope the next update shows us all that all that hard work is paying off :D
