The writer behind this blog....

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

I am still alive and a lot has changed

I know it has been forever since I posted and I promise I have not forgotten about the blog. I have missed sharing my thoughts and so I figured why not post an update?

Since you last read a post on me I have fallen off the wagon again. I have been eating out every chance I get.. I did do pretty good with drinking water and even doing a low carb plan for awhile, but I got sick of the planning that it involves. Everything has Carbs in it so it's so hard to find something that you can eat that's good. Then, there's the problem of craving pizza, fries, Mountain Dew etc that really gets you. I was doing so well with the carb diet, but recently gave it up again. I haven't been to the gym in over 6 months, but still paying for it!! What is wrong with me? One thing, I have been working tons of overtime. We are talking 12 hour shifts 3:30pm-4am, going to school, and just wearing myself out physically as well as mentally.

As far as my infertility/PCOS journey....I have gone through 4 failed IUI's. For those that don't know, Iui involves taking medication to make you ovulate (release the egg) and then going to the doctor to be inseminated when you release the egg. Then, two weeks later you either get your period or you get to go through your monthly gift. I am convinced after 4 failed IUI's our only option is going to be InVitro fertilization which is literally 9,000-10,000 a treatment. After trying to hard through these expensive treatments (IUI), Jeremiah and I have decided to take the year off to help me lose weight. In order to do IVF, I have to be a certain weight.

I am going to try again with the low carb diet and no soda plan, which I really need to stick with. It's so hard! I also need to get back in that gym! Maybe when all the overtime stops, I can get back into the gym. I will do more research on PCOS to see what I can do to help it. If I am going to give up this whole year of trying for a kid, I need to make sure I'm not wasting it. Therefore, any support will be greatly appreciated. I have a tendency to give up when things are tough. This is when my motivation will be tested. I will try to keep up the blog!