The writer behind this blog....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fell off the wagon =(

   Well, as you see I have officially fallen off the lose weight wagon?? Now, big shocker right? I don't  understand why I lose the motivation..maybe because it's hard? I have been doing nothing, but drinking soda, eating out, only eating once a day (large amount of calories), and not drinking water once again! I know that I want to change...and I need to maybe the 100th time is a charm? What do you all think?!?! I guess I shall try again. After all tomorrows Monday right? Lets make it a good one. My updated weight.....*covers eyes* lbs......the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I HATE IT!!!! I won't promise that I will stick with it because as you see I continue to fall of the wagon, but I will keep trying every time I fall. So, that large McDonald's meal that I just had today will be my last..Now i'm not going to lie I'll miss it !! Those fries are so crispy and golden brown..mmm...but if I don't stop I'll be living in my bed with people waiting on me hand and foot (Not a bad thought jk jk)! So, anyone have any motivational words for me? How do you stop the falling off the wagon thing??


  1. Hey hun, I know that this has been a hard thing for you. However seeing that you post you won't promise, almost makes it seem like you plan on falling off of the wagon again ya know? If you want to hang in there in do it, you have to not even have a doubt in your mind that you can do this, which you can, you know you can. Youre a strong woman, and I know that if you set your mind to this you can do it... You just have to have faith in yourself, and don't ever doubt yourself. Just remember why you're doing it, and rely on those who love you sweets!

  2. Thank you Michele for giving me great advice!! I will try really hard this time and it's good to know I have a support system! I will remember why I'm doing this because in the end I know that I have to work harder then other women to have a child, but in the end I will appreciate the blessing even more. I love u!

  3. Alicia, I know its hard to do, loosing weight that is and what more frusterating that is, how fast you can put it on. I have found myself fighting with this same issue, and the one thing that you have to do is change when you eat and how much you eat. I have never liked eating breakfast or drinking water, but I have found if you eat a big breakfast and stay away from fatty foods that are fried and have a snack in between and as the day goes on the meals should become smaller as you are less active at the end of the day. My down fall is candy bars, but when i am at the grocery store i look at them and walk away, and dont get me wrong its hard for me to do, but the only person I am hurting is me. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT STICK WITH IT, You are a very strong person and like me I am not gonna let food run my life, I am gonna be a healthy person and I will loose the weight. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Be strong, You will beat this I know you can!!! I am here for you too, rooting you on the whole way, I have faith in you!!!

  4. Thats one good thing about going to an actual college, because then you can choose a gym class and it really works for me, and I love it, now I just have to do the same thing at home. Eating healthy is the most important thing in weight loss, without it your fighting a losing battle, and girl you are strong willed and I know you can do this. You just need to get in the right state of mind, and success will be right around the corner!

  5. Wow, thank you guys so much!! I will definitely take your advice to heart. One thing I ask is you all hold me accountable..if I start giving up or not updating in awhile then call me out on it. Knowing I have you all behind me and rooting for me means more then words could ever say!! I love u all.
