The writer behind this blog....

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The scale says.......

       I'm writing this a little late as I just got out of work an hour or so ago. I weighed in at 225, which is where I started. The good news? I didn't gain anything. Now, I already expected this because I cheated bad this past week. Am I disappointed? No, because i really didn't do good this week. So here is what happened...

        During the first half of the week I did pretty good. I stayed away from Mountain Dew and had my Nutriblasts. However, I found out the most challenging time for me is not during work, but the last hour of work. I am so hungry! So, I have to put my mind into finding something that will work for me! is what happened..

    Wednesday I got my hair done and after that was done we stopped at the Mexican restaurant. Jeremiah got a really strong craving on Friday for a hamburger. We stopped and got a jalapeno burger from Mcdonalds. I would lie if I said this was not the best tasting hamburger ever. I was literally in food heaven with every bite. We also went to Ihop! SO BAD. I had a big steak omlet with Mountain dew! A few days later Jeremiah and I got into a little fight and so I took the keys, got in my car, and got a large number 1..on Saturday. Sunday, my friend came over and brought me a foot long buffalo chicken sub from Subway! Later that night...bought the dreaded liter of Mountain dew. I felt lethargic, got a pounding headache, felt bloated, and extremely tired as a result of all of this. Needless to say, I wasn't surprised what the scale would say.

  What I learned from this past week? I am human so I get cravings and temptations all around me. When I feel angry or depressed my first instinct is to run to food! This temporarily makes me feel better, but then after the guilt/depression kicks in. Not worth it!

  This brings me to Monday. When I saw the 225, I felt disappointed in myself, but I told myself I can keep trying. I didn't gain weight! I felt an increase of energy all week and so that was amazing! I also felt more regular in my digestive system. I am not going to give up or even dwell on how bad I did this past week, but will remember how the food made me feel!

   Game plan this week? NO mountain dew! Continue with my water. Bring almonds in my water bottle so that the last 2 weeks of work, I can fill up on something healthy! If I feel emotional I will resist the urge to eat. I will ensure that I focus on how bad that food made me feel. Also, I will try to find alternatives when I feel upset or overwhelmed. I am still in this and I refuse to give up!

   Next Monday will be a better weigh in!