The writer behind this blog....

Friday, August 20, 2010

I'm baaaaak! So, I thought!


I'm back from NY where I was visiting my dad. My best friend had her little baby and obviously it made me want to have one even more. So, I couldn't wait to get home and I had all the motivation in the world. You know that Big Mac in the background of this blog? Yeah, lets just say while I was in NY I had tons of those!! Horrible huh? I felt guilty, but I can't lie they tasted really good going down!! Don't even get me started on those golden french fries! But, those aren't going to help me have a child is it? Before I knew I was visiting NY I bought Tae Bo the 10th anniversary version and I just unwrapped it because I was feeling MOTIVATED! Well, 15 mins in I had sweat pouring off me and I kept thinking....was Mcdonalds really worth all this?? Well, I'm not going to lie my "bad" side whispered YES!!!, but the other side said...Nope and now your going to pay! Sadly, I didn't make it through the DVD, but tomorrow I will attempt it once more. I have to start slow since I have all that fast food weighing me down! I'm still not off the Mountain Dew, although next week instead of buying Mountain dew I will buy ginger-ale to wean myself off. I'm happy that I got off this computer chair and attempted the workout. I like it a lot better then the Jillian Michaels because he don't give you a chance to even think about sitting down!! His energy is amazing! I will also weigh myself tomorrow *SIGH* to see where I am. Couldn't do it today because it's night so I want to do it when I have no food in my system...that way the number looks better, LOL! So, I will see u tomorrow...comment if u want :)

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