The writer behind this blog....

Sunday, January 11, 2015

NutriBlast and starting off this New Year good!

       We bought a juicer about a year ago after watching Fat, Sick, and nearly dead. This didn't get hardly used because it mashed all the fiber into a basket rather than putting into the drink. Therefore, it was missing the bulk of the nutrition.. Plus, it was a pain to clean it. We came across this infomercial this year and it let us know we can put seeds, skin, and everything (except certain ones like orange skin, kiwi skin, etc) and it would grind it all up to get all the value. This also was given great reviews, so, we ordered! It was delivered last Wed and we were so excited to try it. We went to the grocery store that Friday night!!! The first use was this past Saturday!

      I have to admit that I was scared because I get really shaky throughout the day because of my PCOS. I also worried about the money that would be spent at the store for all the veggies/fruits. This product suggests we should try replacing two meals with a nutriblast and so that's what we thought we'd try. We decided with our schedule we would do the meal before work and then when we came home at midnight have one. This makes most sense because having a meal before work is usually hard for me and since we get home at midnight it's not good to have a lot of calories. We only bought the stuff for the drinks and then just frozen meals for our lunch at work. We also got eggs to hard boil so that I could ensure I would have something incase I was to get shaky. Furthermore, we got a box of protein bars. Normally, we spend 100.00 a week on food. This trip we spent 104.00, but it saved us a bunch of processed foods and I knew I was doing something good for myself! So, I think it's a good trade off.

   We got home and washed all the berries with white vinegar and water and amazingly it is Sunday and they are still keeping. Berries normally seem to go bad over night. The leafy greens we rinsed and put away of course in air tight container. We have the berries left out so they don't go bad in the fridge! This brings me to the first nutriblast. The first one we tried had blueberries, blackberries, spinich, nuts and strawberries. The taste wasn't too good lol. I drank it at 2pm and wasn't hungry until 7pm. My lunch is normally at 8:15pm. I felt completely full until then! I also had a water bottle filled with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries to flavor my water. I drank two large bottles of water. On the way home at midnight, I was starving. Like, cranky, shaky, and very unhappy lol. Came home and grabbed two pieces of pizza :( I was very disappointed in myself, but I told myself that I'm not going to give up.

    The next day we made another one. We had banana, spinach, peanut butter, strawberries, and almonds, and maca powder. This one was amazing! So, this showed me that I need to research some recipes to be sure I find ones that I like. Today, I had one with two oranges, strawberry, turmeric, maca powder, and spinach. It was really good as well! I noticed that yesterday, I could barely keep my eyes open when we came home. This is highly unusual for me as we normally stay awake until 4 am! I was out by 1:30. I also had a really bad headache. I slept late today as well. I thought well maybe this isn't working out. I did some research and found out the first week is "detox" and it's a good thing. It's your body eliminating the toxins in the body. It's also teaching your body to burn fat rather then processed foods. So, I'm going to keep going this week and will post an update at the end.

    I am doing this because if I can give my body as much natural foods as possible then maybe my body will lose weight. Furthermore, I'm hoping that it will kick in ovulation so I can get pregnant. I decided that in the middle of the day as snacks I'm going to have hard boiled eggs and a protein shake to get me through. I know that if I let myself get shaky then I will grab the closest thing to me. I will weigh in tomorrow (Monday) and then weigh in each Monday. We are going to try to go to the gym as well. Might not be this week if detox keeps being hard like this. I know that this is working and I'm learning a lot. I have had a lot of people announce their pregnancy around me lately and it just puts motivation into me to keep going. I won't give up on this. It's hard at first, but I know I can do it! I have to! I'm tired of the high blood pressure, fatigue, and being overweight. Jeremiah is doing it with me as well! He said we won't give up either.

   I would say that the nutribullet is worth the price and it's super easy to use and clean! I'm the laziest person ever and if I have no problem washing it then that's saying alot. I will continue to update as I really like the accountability of posting a blog through my experience. I like getting my thoughts out and re-reading what I've done in the past.

Thanks for reading :)

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