The writer behind this blog....

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Beginning my journey...

Here are the dreaded details starting out:
Height- 5 ft 5 inches
Weight- 221
Goal-151 in as long as it takes

I have Jillian Michaels 30-day shred to use for my workouts and I also have weights. I'm feeling confident that I will be able to accomplish this because I have no other choice. This blog will help me be accountable! I will post every Friday with what I did during the week, what I ate, my thoughts, my weight, and maybe a video to make it more personal. I would really appreciate some comments to help hold me accountable and so I don't feel like I'm talking to myself!! I also will be using my treadmill to work could I forget that?? I can't run for the life of me so I will start off slow and so here is my plan for this week:

Monday-30 day shred Level 1
Tuesday-30 day shred Level 1
Wednesday-30 mins walking on treadmill (help me!)
Thursday-30 day shred-Level 1
Friday-Treadmill/ Check in
Saturday-Pilaties (sp)
Sunday-Day of Rest

This is just the plan for week one. I will take it slow, so no worries there! As far as eating goes, I'm cutting all things white out which I have pretty much done already. No eating out which is going to be my BIGGEST obstacle. I am so angry with those fast food restaurants for making me addicted to those burgers, fries, and milkshakes. I will only have one Mountain Dew a day which isn't good, but considering how I drink 3 24 oz bottles a day I think it's a good start. I also need to eat 3 times a day because usually I drink mountain dew all day then eat out for dinner or eat dinner at home. No breakfast or lunch!! Am I nervous? YUP! Can I do it? Yes! So, feel free to leave comments below and if you would like to join me also then that would be pretty cool!


So, this is from 2008, but u can see the double chin and You can see how wide I am. Trust me, you do not want to see anything else lol. This is what I look like for sure!!


  1. Honey , You need to eat little meals threw out the day every two hours like carrot's w/dip,cucumber w/little salt,salad w/tablespoon dressing(u dip the salad in the dressing not pour it over it). Better yet look up vegan diet on the internet and go from there ok.Drink juices by the serving size only and take it easy on treadmill remember your back problems ok,love u

  2. You could follow me as well *winkwinkhinthint* lol
    Sounds like we're around the same weight. You're a bit taller than me though heh.
    And it sounds like we're in the same journey. Trying to lose some weight to get pregnant :)

    You're taking the first steps. Don't restrict yourself too much. Remember that it's OK to cheat every once in a while. Heck even once a week.
    Stick with something that you know will work for you. If that's going cold turkey and extreme, then go for it. If it's going slow, then do that :)

  3. Alicia One of the biggest problems i noticed about you, is that you are very down on your self because you are over weight, By you not being able to except who you are and be able to love yourself makes even harder to try to loose the weight, I know i have had the same problem, I couldn't stand to see myself without clothes on, But I am me and I am awesome I am a good person and I have a dry to not let anyone or anything stand in my way for me to obtain my goal and that is to eat healthy foods, Alicia you can join the healthy heart association at and get the help you need to help you eat heart healthy and just plainly eating healthy for you It's great and please check it out
